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It's a longer route but of great beauty, summer and fall is advisable. It starts in front of the lodge, it crosses the road Izvoru Mountain brook and start climbing gently through a forest of spruce and fir. It goes on the left bank of the river Sisters and after almost an hour of walking, cross gutter Armenians.

The foot path leads along the coast Sisters, forming several coils and the last portion is direct and comes in Poiana Sisters (1326 meters), where there is Tutuienilor Stana. Sisters continue on foot ridge where Joins Blue Cross trail and after a hard climb to reach under his Turnu Butu (left) and in front are seen two sharp rocks called haystacks Miron.

The road continues on a lathe and called Brana tap into a gutter. It passes through an area with juniper trees, it stands alpine meadow Ocolasul Mic and in front to the north, are seen steep Ocolasul Mare of which were drawn large rocks looking towers shaped by external agents (eg. Doric columns ).

The route continues through the woods slightly downward, and follows the contour after a scree area located above the bottom Gideon begins a climb easily and in a few minutes out on Lata Stone of Gideon. From here it winds through juniper trees to the shelf edge and, after passing Lata Stone, can be reached by going to where you can camp (fence and toilet). This place is seen Cabana Dochia.

Trail Marker: red tape
Route duration: 4 h 30 minutes


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