Satu Mare
214. Main Str
46.342093, 25.38644
show the phone number
+40741326185 +40743462691
Why is so special Country House Satu Mare:
Presentation - Country House Satu Mare
number 214 in the main street a nice, well-furnished country
house-museum waits its visitors. It was opened in 2004. The whole
courtyard, with its buildings was restored in original Sekler layout.
The house, the inside collection: furniture, household appliances set
the visitors back in the former habitants' everyday life.
the items was initiated by a teacher, Kovács Piroska, within the
framework of a treasure-hunt for students. In the beginnings it was
just a spontaneous collection. The found items were exhibited in the
school. Later the collection has grown, and was moved to the current
country house besides being a museum gives place for youth camps.
Since 2003 gate-carving camps have been organised here, where
children and interested people can learn the process and knacks of
gate-carving in an authentic environment. The furniture-painting camp
also takes place here, which has been organised since 2005. In the
last few years both camps are organised at the same time, called
“Kaláka”-Camp. |