The Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania was established in 1922. The headquarters is located in ”Reduta” building, in the room with the same name being held the political trial known as “Procesul memorandistilor” [Trial of the Memorandists]. An open air museum was added to the pavilion exhibition, first one in Romania, called ”Romulus Vuia” National Ethnographic Park.
The current permanent exhibition is called “The popular culture in Transylvania – 18th – 20th centuries”, varnished in 2006 and approaches the main areas of the material and spiritual culture in rural Transylvania, displayed by representative exhibits, selected from more than 40.000 artefacts from the collections of the museum institution.
The exhibition comprises: podotactile strips (for blind persons), showcase with traditional harvest crowns, showcase with Hebrew cult pieces, exhibits which evoke birth, childhood (swing, chair and support for learning how to walk, toys grouped per genders) and youth (elements from the props of boy groups, symbolic gifts made by boys to girls). The exhibits which evoke birth, childhood and youth are grouped in two exhibition modules which precede the traditions sector: those from the life cycle (wedding, funeral), those over the year (Christmas, New Year, Epiphany, Easter) and the spring traditions (Sangiorzul, Plugarul [*the Plougher]).
Tariff adults: 6 lei, Tariff students: 3 lei.