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General informations - Sandominic

The northernmost and biggest settlement of the Upper Ciuc Basin is Sândominic formed at the meeting of three valleys. The Olt flowing from the Hăşmaşu-Mare under the hills Nyáras and Dorma joins two brooks coming from right, the Nagy-Lok rising in the Fekete-Réz and the Győrmátyás (Szádokút) that starts its journey under Gréces.

 The village lies in the point where they meet and at the cross point of the national road between Ciuc and Gheorgheni and the county road leading to Bălan. It is the most populated settlement of Upper Ciuc with a number of inhabitants around 6400. It was of course named after Saint Dominic. The settlement lies in a beautiful setting, having a fine view of the Hăşmaşu-Mare and the Piatra Singuratică. The first known mentioning of the village in a charter is from 1567, where it appears as Zent Domokos with 34 gates. In 1638 it was mentioned with its Latin name Sanctus Dominicus.

 By the beginning of the century the village was overpopulated and not able to make a living on its poor lands any more. In order to increase the cultivatable land they broke the hillsides as well, resulting, for example, the terrace-like surface of the Garados hill. In addition to the carrying trade and lime burning, wood processing and mining meant sources of income for the families and it is still the main source.

 Besides the logging and wood processing, the stone mining was carried out in industrial dimensions for more than 60 years; that is the mosaic production of which raw material is the white and slightly yellow crystalline limestone found in the Garados hill near the village. Furthermore, the neighbouring Bălan and the county seat ensure living possibilities for the community.

 After the regime change, the economic life, the agriculture and the spiritual culture of the village flourished. The multipurpose community centre stands as an example.

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