Approx. 40-45% of Europe's brown bear population lives in the Romanian Carpathian forests. A significant part of this population is to be found in Szeklerland's forests. The mountains surrounding Gheorgheni are a good example for those who want to see a bear, there is a great chance one will, if that is also OK with the bears involved. During this silent, but eventful bear watching apart from having the chance too take pictures of the animals, participants have the chance to acquire detailed information about the habits of bears, their life, and of course local anecdotes related to the bears cannot miss from the info-package. The tours start in the late afternoon at a pre-arranged meeting place, where off-road vehicles transport the participants to the observation posts.
At the end of the program participants have the possibility to enjoy the taste of a rustic dinner.
The Carphatians are a core part of Transylvania’s identity, a vast continuous range, covered with unfragmented forests, one of the few left in Central-Europe, home to 45% of Europe’s big carnivors. Transylvania is a combination of nature with human culture in an integrated relationship. Abundent ecosystems, the untaimed wilderness combined with the wonderful gardens of wild flowers and the rural heritage are faces of the land with capture both eyes and lenses of our cameras. Sceneries and hay-fields are just magnificent.
Every day the flock is driven miles accross the open pasture and need to return to the fold noontime for the sheperds to milk the sheep. In fact they need to milk each sheep by hand 2-3 times a day, and it is not as easy as it looks. After milking them sheperds will make diary products, such as fresh cheese, a treat you can taste.