The village lies on the left part of the highway that links Kászon to Kézdiszék,  in the valley of a creek that often dries in summer. According to documents, this settlement as well as the neighbouring Peselnek, were inhabited in the 14th century.

Archeologists have found a small Osiris statue on the territory of the settlement.

The church of the settlement surrounded by stone walls was built in 1798 in Saint Bartholomew`s honour in the same place where once there had been an older church, which latercollapsed.

In the history of the village the Potsa family had a role of outstanding importance (19th century), their memory being kept by a house in the lower part of the settlement. One of the best-known family members used to be Pótsa József (1836—1903), Lord Lieutenant of District Haromszek. He donated 1000 forints for the local school. Another significant personality in the history of the village was Opra Benedek (1907--1978), teacher of Hungarian, French and Romanian languages, outstanding educator, who was slandered following the downfall of the Revolution in 1956.

About Valea Seaca
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